Our 2024 OTPC Awards are now open. The deadline for all submissions is August 31, 2024. 

Neil Hann Leadership Award

OTPC is pleased to announce a Call for Nominations for the Neil Hann Leadership Award. This award was established in 2017 to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the OTPC, while honoring one of the founding members of Oklahoma Turning Point, Neil Hann.

The Neil Hann Leadership Award annually honors an individual who displays innovation, inspiration, and leadership by fostering a culture of health in Oklahoma. This annual award winner makes outstanding contributions to protecting and promoting the health of Oklahomans well beyond their normal work duties. 

Award recipients will be selected based on demonstrated achievements in the following areas:

  • Provide local and organizational leadership to advance positive health practices;
  • Demonstrating a degree of innovation and creativity to positively influence the advancement of public and community health;
  • Inspiring diverse collaboration through strategic partnerships or communities of practice to promote a culture of health in Oklahoma
Nominations are closed for 2024
Community Health Champion Awards

OTPC is pleased to announce a Call for Nominations for the Community Health Champion Awards.

The Community Health Champion Award recognizes the service and dedication of individuals and groups who work to improve the health and wellness of their communities through community-centered efforts. 

The OTPC encourages nominations of initiatives, projects, or local events across Oklahoma that serve through strategic partnerships, coalitions, faith communities, and more. Community Health Champions should be committed to supporting community-voice, promoting health equity, and removing barriers for local participation in initiatives, projects, or local events. 

Award recipients will be selected based on demonstrated achievements in the following areas:

  • Impact on target population/s
  • Established goals and objectives
  • Demonstrated systemic, policy or behavior change
  • Sustainability of efforts
  • Cross-sector partnerships
  • Barrier removal for participation
  • Application of health equity principles
  • Community-voice utilization

Nominations are closed for 2024

Turning Point Trailblazer Award

Launched in 2022, during the 25th Anniversary Celebration of Turning Point, 25 individuals and entities were identified as “Turning Point Trailblazers.” The honorees were identified through the OTPC Executive Council as those who were and continue to be instrumental in the formation and sustainment of OTPC.

Beginning in 2023, “Turning Point Trailblazers” can be nominated by the broader community. Turning Point Trailblazers are individuals or entities paving the way for improvements in health and social care across Oklahoma. One new Trailblazer will be honored annually. 

Nominees for the “Turning Point Trailblazer” award will embody:

  • Grit, a fierce determination and willingness to do the tough stuff;
  • Fire, a passion for public health and the community
  • Curiosity, a drive to learn more from individuals in the communities we serve
  • Balance, a commitment to ensuring we plan and act with equity-driven purpose

Nominations are closed for 2024

OTPC Young Community Health Professional of the Year (40 and younger)

A new award started in 2023, the OTPC would like to recognize the deep impacts young professionals, 40 years old and younger, are making in community health across Oklahoma. Through honoring our young professionals, we hope to encourage their innovative spirits and provide them with a platform for elevating their work state-wide. OTPC looks forward to recognizing the talent of our young professionals in the health and social care sectors across Oklahoma. 

Young Community Health Professionals of the Year demonstrate the following characteristics through their work:

  • Innovative, solution-oriented, strategic
  • Collaborative, inclusive, partner
  • Motivator, encourager, supporter
  • Dedication, commitment, determination

Nominations are closed for 2024

Health Innovator Award

The OTPC Policy Committee works tirelessly to promote positive health policy within the Oklahoma Legislature. Based on the policy priorities identified and adopted annually, members of the Policy Committee work alongside staffers and elected officials to move forward positive health and social care legislation. To acknowledge the work of our elected officials leaders in health and public health, the Policy Committee identifies the Health Innovator of the Year Award. The award is presented during the OTPC Awards Ceremony annually. 

Submission Instructions and Award Information

  • Please have all nomination information, narratives and supplemental documents prepared prior to completing application. Applications cannot be saved while in progress. All applications must be submitted online. 
  • Incomplete applications will not be evaluated.
  • All letters of support and supplemental documentation must be submitted with the application. Any supplemental documentation received after application submission will not be evaluated.
  • Awards will be given at the Rural Health Conference on Oct. 2nd at 6pm at the River Spirit Casino in Tulsa, Ballroom 3. You do not have to attend the conference to attend the awards ceremony.